Brexit, secondo no del Parlamento a elezioni anticipate. Johnson: « Oltraggio al popolo »

LONDRA – Seconda bocciatura, come previsto, sulla mozione presentata da Boris Johnson per la convocazione di elezioni anticipate nel Regno Unito il 15 ottobre. La Camera dei Comuni l’ha bocciata con 293 sì contro 46 no e numerosi astenuti (la settimana scorsa c’erano stati 298 sì e 56 no). Il quorum necessario sarebbe stato dei…

The news from Brussels and tax after Brexit

The establishment of the European Customs Union in 1968 was a very significant step.  It has an internal and external aspect.  So too does direct tax policy.  The internal aspect of the direct tax policy includes the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive, containing a general anti-avoidance rule and other things.  The policy aims at transparency – including…

UK after Brexit

The promise of a referendum on membership of the EU featured in the Conservative party memorandum before the last election.  When the referendum took place, the “leavers” were = unexpectedly – successful.  The Great Reform Act provided for the embodiment of EU law in domestic law, but it is contemplated that many of the provisions…

Aggressive Taxation and Invasion of Privacy

In some cases, onshore jurisdictions can offer much of the tax benefit of offshore trusts. The privacy of the trust is also a consideration. The New Zealand foreign trust takes advantage of what was originally an anti-avoidance provision: it and exempts trusts with foreign settlors and under some treaties is treated as New Zealand resident,…

Cyprus 2017: an Overview

The crisis of 2013 has proved to be a stimulus to reform and prosperity. Cyprus has become a fully compliant jurisdiction and has introduced a number of incentives to encourage foreigners to bring their business to the country. The Emergency Loan has been repaid and banks are again lending. There has been considerable inward investment.…